Will there be “Friendly Christmas Lights” tonight?
Every Christmas Season, my Holly Jolly neighbors "FedEx Pat" and "Cornershow Bob" light up the Jersey night sky in what has been called "The Friendly Christmas Lights Competition."
The whole neighborhood looks forward to Thanksgiving weekend, as this is when the lights "come out to play."
I've been writing about Pat and Jen's, and Bob and Ginni's progress throughout the long holiday weekend...and you can look back (or catch up) by clicking the links found below:
Friendly Christmas Lights-Friday morning here
Friendly Christmas Lights-Friday afternoon here
Friendly Christmas Lights-Saturday here
By tradition, the rush is on for "FedEx Pat" and "FedEx Jen," because they start putting up their display on Friday...and finish by Sunday evening.
And, when Pat says that they are done, that's it. Nothing more is added. Period.
"Cornershow Bob" and "Cornershow Ginni" start now...and just keep adding...right up to Christmas Eve.
So, as the sun is setting over Hillsborough New Jersey...
..friends from all over the neighborhood are strolling by Pat and Jen's place (dog-walking in many cases)...wondering: Will there be "friendly" lights tonight?
Meantime, Pat is furiously checking electrical connections...
And, Jen runs to the hardware store to get more power cords...as there's more to "light up" this year.
I turn around, and look down the street towards "The Cornershow," and as you can see...
...there are a few Christmas Lights that are on...but, we'll come back to Bob and Ginni's display in future articles, as they are "just getting started." Their display will grow dramatically in the weeks ahead.
Back at "FedEx Pat's" display...
...Pat is (still) checking the connections, and running more power cords...in the dark.
So....will there be...
Suddenly, it's Christmas in the 'hood.
Feel the...JOY.
And see the joy...
...on FedEx Pat's face upon finishing this yearly "labor of love."
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